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来源:学大教育     时间:2017-11-03 16:05:46


Taking Part in School Activities


面对繁重的高中学习任务,高中生对参加学校活动有着不同的看法,请以Taking Part in School Activities为题,用英文写一篇120词左右的短文,着重介绍两种不同的观点和态度,最后谈谈你个人的看法。 

很多学生持拥护态度,认为我们不能死读书,参加学校活动可以丰富学校生活;学到实践知识;„„   不少学生漠不关心,认为学生的任务就是学习,学生应该充分利用时间学习,„„



2. 适当分段,使用恰当的连接词、过渡词句。


实践知识practical knowledge 高考college entrance examination

Taking Part in School Activities 

We had a heated discussion about whether senior high school students should take active part in school activities. As for school activities, students mainly hold two views. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 


Taking Part in School Activities 

We had a heated discussion about whether senior high school students should take active part in school activities. As for school activities, students mainly hold two views.

Many students are very enthusiastic about school activities because they think that learning from textbooks is not their only task and they should take every chance to get some practical knowledge. Besides, after long hours' study, they can relax themselves by participating in school activities.

However, a large group of students take little interest in them and spend most of their time on study. They believe that they should make full use of time to study and that school activities have nothing to do with their further development.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer the first view. On the one hand, we can learn a great deal from other students we meet in activities. Furthermore, modern society requires many qualities of young students, so "book worms" can't keep up with the times.


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