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来源:学大教育     时间:2017-11-03 15:58:42


How to deal with rejection



Big or small, rejection affects us all. Harry Potter was rejected. So was The Twilight Saga. If authors J. K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer hadn‗t kept trying with publisher after publisher, we‗d all have missed out on some great adventures. 

Rejection doesn't have to be about the big thing like not getting into your top college, not making the team, or not getting asked to the prom(舞会).

Everyday situations can lead to the feeling of rejection, too, like if your joke doesn't get a laugh, if no one remembers to save you a seat at the lunch table, or if the person you really like talks to everyone but you. 

Feeling rejected is the opposite of feeling accepted. But being rejected (and we will all be at times) doesn‗t mean someone   isn‗t liked, valued, or important. It just means that one time, in one situation, with one person, things didn‗t work out. 

Rejection hurts. But it‗s impossible to avoid it altogether. In fact, you don‗t want to— people who become too afraid of rejection might hold back from going after something they want. Sure, they avoid rejection, but they‗re also 100% guaranteed to miss out on what they want but won‗t try for.



以约120个词就―How to deal with rejection‖这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 讲述一次你被拒绝的经历;

(2) 你当时的感受;

(3) 你认为应该如何正确面对拒绝。






Everyone has experiences of being rejected. Although rejection makes us feel hurt, we can never avoid it, or we‗ll certainly miss out on things we want.

Three years ago, I competed with my classmates for an important role in an English show to be held in my school. I was so eager to participate in it that I practiced hard in my spare time.

However, I was turned down in the last round. I felt really disappointed and deeply hurt because my friends made it but I failed. Personally, if we can deal with rejection well, it will have a minimal effect on us.

First, we should have a positive attitude toward rejection; that is to say, we ought to acknowledge it and keep reminding ourselves that rejection is always a possibility.

Second, we can tell our family or friends what happened and how we feel about it or even cry if we want to — it‗s a natural way to release our emotions.

Last but not least, we should consider rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement and try our best to get accepted next time.



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